Friday, 19 April 2013

Powerline Spread Jigheads

Another brilliant idea from Powerline - the Jig Power Spread Jighead;

They are quite unique!  The lead head has a "mouth" that funnels water into the slot that runs down the length of the Jig Power Spread Shads.  They are designed to work together so it comes as no surprise that they are perfectly scaled and fit!

The purpose of the mouth and the slot in the shad is that you can load it with attractants (oils or gels) and leave a scented stream that will attract fish to your bait when everyone else blanks !

The slot in the shad will also take glass beads to give some rattles and clicks

Powerline Reversible Lure Boxes

Another innovation from Powerline that has been knocked off by the Snow Queen ! !

Jig Power Reversible Lure Boxes are available in different 4 different sizes and are designed to hold a variety of lures sizes to be able to safely park all of your expensive Japanese 80mm to 145mm lures.
Each box is double sided yet designed in a way to keep it slim and is specially designed to hold hard lures on their trebles to reduce damage done to the lure whilst in the box.  They have drainage holes so that you can flush your boxes with fresh water after a days fishing, with minimal effort after every session.
I have seen some pretty filthy, rusty boxes around; even among those in the know ... eh, Richard!! Bless his cotton socks!

The smaller sizes of box are great for those who like to keep it light, with ample space for a good number of smaller hard, soft and LRF / HRF lures. Ideal for urban fishing and those who like to keep mobile

Powerline Spread Shad Paddletail Soft Lures

This is a great Jig Power product from Powerline!  There are a couple of features that make it unique and a deadly tool in your soft lure arsenal

The construction of these little beauties are outstanding and use the latest two-shot injection techniques to produce a high quality finish with life-like eyes secured under a larey of clear rubber rather than being stuck on the outside of the lure - making it a great swimmer and really durable lure!!

Another unique feature is the hole that runs through the entire length of the lure - enabling you to use attracter gels / oils and rattles placed inside, increasing the noise and spreading scent to attract more fish.  These have been designed specifically to work in combination with Jig Power Spread Jig Heads and Jig Power Glass Rattles

Available in a great range of colours in 10cm & 12cm (4 pieces per pack) and 15cm & 17cm (3 pieces per pack)

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

VARIVAS Light Saltwater Tapered Leaders

These really are brilliant ... they're specifically designed to improve presentation when casting big flies.  Standard taper ratios are 40:40:20 whereas these are 60:25:15 - that means that the power of the cast is taken further down the leader to power the 'flick' and turn over the fly.  We have the 10 footers in stock in all sizes from 6lb to 20lbs

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Cox & Rawle Meat Hooks

The Meat Hook is back and better than ever .... these are heavy-weight hooks and now produced in black nickel finish (used to be black and we have some stock of them if you prefer) so they feel sharper than ever.  Great hooks for conger, shark and tope early in the season!! Available in sizes 2/0, 4/0, 6/0, 8/0 and 10/0

Monday, 1 April 2013

SMITH Travel Rods

Placed an order for some of SMITH's sexy new rods .... focus on the multi-piece series for Bass and GT Poppers!
Look for GTK AMAMI 7ft 7in that can chuck a 200 gram lure and the Bay Liner Series of 7ft 6in and 8ft 6in 4-piece Sea Bass plugging rods!!
They really are the BEST!

Cox & Rawle Rig Glue

We have been promised stock of the new Cox & Rawle Rig Glue (super glue / fishing glue) which comes in 20g bottles and is very reasonabley priced at £7.50 per pack.
Watch this space ... as soon as it arrives (Wednesday 3rd April?) we will get it on the site for sale.

Brrrrrrrr ... it's still too cold to go fishing!!

GRAN Inch Offset Worm Hooks

Just received stock of the latest GRAN Offset Hooks

The Inch Hook is made from Ultra Fine, High Carbon Steel wire and are smaller than any others in the range, so they are just perfect for LRF and the Ultralight Jigging style fishing that we are doing at the moment!

They're available in three sizes: Small, Medium and Large and cost £3.99 for 10 hooks

Sea Dog Tackle

As we upload the products over the next month or so, we seriously hope that the weather gets better and that we are all more enthusiastic to get up and and go fishing!!

In the meantime, have a look around our store and get your tacklebox ready for a brilliant 2013 Spring's fishing!

Look for AFW, American Fishing Wire, Cox & Rawle, GRAN, Powerline, Jig Power, SMITH, VARIVAS, Marryat, FishSkullz, Gemini, SHIMANO and DAIWA

Mark Fisher
Sea Dog Tackle