Friday, 19 April 2013

Powerline Reversible Lure Boxes

Another innovation from Powerline that has been knocked off by the Snow Queen ! !

Jig Power Reversible Lure Boxes are available in different 4 different sizes and are designed to hold a variety of lures sizes to be able to safely park all of your expensive Japanese 80mm to 145mm lures.
Each box is double sided yet designed in a way to keep it slim and is specially designed to hold hard lures on their trebles to reduce damage done to the lure whilst in the box.  They have drainage holes so that you can flush your boxes with fresh water after a days fishing, with minimal effort after every session.
I have seen some pretty filthy, rusty boxes around; even among those in the know ... eh, Richard!! Bless his cotton socks!

The smaller sizes of box are great for those who like to keep it light, with ample space for a good number of smaller hard, soft and LRF / HRF lures. Ideal for urban fishing and those who like to keep mobile

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